NKU Publishing Research Institute is Awarded by National Publishing Think Tank

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2023-07-21Views:23

Publishing Outlook Workshop Series were held in Beijing on July 21, during which the list of institutions selected for the 2023 High-quality Construction Program of publishing think tanks was announced, and the Publishing Research Institute of Nankai University was one of them. Feng Shixin, Director of the Publishing Bureau, Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, presented the award to the selected think tanks. Niu Wenli, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Nankai University, Qi Dexiang, a leader in the philosophy and social sciences of China’s Ten Thousand Talent Program and a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Nankai University, and Ma Changhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, attended the meeting. 

In order to purposely implement the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics and the 14th Five-year Plan for the Development of the Publishing Industry, and continue to deepen the construction of think tanks in the publishing industry, the National Press and Publication Administration led to implement the High-quality Construction Program 2023 for Publishing Think Tanks in January of this year, providing greater intellectual support for accelerating the construction of a publishing power and contributing to comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

 This program is intended to create professional think tanks which are accurately targeted with solid foundation and competitive fruits, produce key research results with value guidance, cultural cohesion, and spiritual driving force, cultivate publishing think tank professionals with strong political ability, high research skills and great development potential, and continue to speed up theoretical and practical research in the publishing industry and the transformation and application of results.

 Among the 27 included institutions, 12, including the Publishing Research Institute of Nankai University, were new members in 2023, while the other 15 that had been included in 2022 retained on the list. These 27 institutions are of various types such as university publishing departments, research departments of publishing enterprises, and specialized research institutions in the publishing field, all of which excel in combining theory and practice and are ready for building themselves into high-quality publishing think tanks.

 Publishing Research Institute of Nankai University applied for the national title of publishing think tank on behalf of Nankai University. The think tank relies on the advantages of Nankai University as a comprehensive research-oriented university and integrates high-quality resources both domestically and internationally. Focusing on key areas and major issues in China's international publishing and communication, it conducts forward-looking, strategic and practical research, which has provided theoretical support and practical basis for the high-quality development of China's international publishing and communication, offered feasible policy recommendations and high-quality strategic support for government departments and publishing houses, and built a platform for effective international communication and talent cultivation in the publishing industry. The institute spares no effort to build a new type of think tank that integrates system research, decision-making consultation, industrial services, talent cultivation, international cooperation and exchange, which covers all fields of politics, industry, academia and research. 

In the future, the NKU Publishing Think Tank will build a theoretical system of international communication ecology research for the integration of cultural ecology, market ecology, and internet ecology in theoretical innovation, as well as a theoretical system for evaluating the effectiveness of international publishing communication. It will produce a host of original, leading, and iconic research results, generate a series of research results on improving the effectiveness of international publishing communication in practical applications, which focus on policy optimization, mechanism innovation, content production, brand building, strategic layout, channel expansion, talent cultivation, and effectiveness evaluation, provide precise and effective suggestions for government departments to optimize policies in service decision-making process, and provide reference and guidance for publishing houses' strategic adjustment and innovation.

 The Publishing Research Institute of Nankai University will take this award as an opportunity, adhere to goal and effect orientation, focus on building a high-quality publishing think tank, further make itself bigger and stronger, further nurture dedicated talents, strengthen research on publishing theory, policy, and practice, launch more high-level think tank achievements, and play a greater role in various aspects like political advice, theoretical innovation, industry services and international exchanges.