“Situation and Policy” Course at School of Journalism and Communication Calls on Students to Stay Truly Connected to the Nation

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2023-11-30Views:55

The School of Journalism and Communication conscientiously organized the Situation and Policy course as required by NKU. Niu Wenli, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Nankai University Committee, Ma Changhong, Secretary of the School’s CPC Committee, Liu Yadong, Dean of the School, and Professor Liu Zhongbo successfully completed their lecturing of the course in this semester. More than 200 teachers and students from the School participated in the study.

Niu Wenli elaborated on the significance of national security in the new era by explaining profound terms in simple language. He explained the rich contents about holistic approach to national security from three aspects, ensuring national security is a top priority, adhering to the holistic approach to national security, and creating a new situation in national security work, and particularly emphasized the significance of the Internet security. He pointed out that to create a new situation in national security work, we must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively strengthen national security education, raise the people’s awareness and readiness regarding national security. He also taught students to be alert of espionage and avoid frauds by giving interesting cases, in combination of the characteristics of young students. By narrating the outstanding deeds of outstanding alumni Zhou Enlai, Guo Yonghuai and He Binglin in leading and participating in the development of the atomic bomb, Niu Wenli called on young students to promote the patriotic education tradition of NKU, consciously safeguard national security, strive to be part of the nation’s entirety” in the new era, defend national interests, bravely climb great hills to new heights, serve the motherland and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ma Changhong explained the significance of One Country, Two Systems with the theme of Promoting National Reunification in the New Era. Starting with hot news events that teachers and students are concerned about, she provided a detailed introduction to the current domestic and international situations, and deeply elaborated on the practical achievements of the One Country, Two Systems policy over the past years, encouraging students to have a correct view of the prospects of national reunification. Ma Changhong stressed that solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is a firm task of the CPC, a common aspiration of all Chinese people, and a necessary condition for national rejuvenation. Peaceful reunification and one country, two systems is the best way for reunification of the straits, which is in line with the interests of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the nation. In the new era, we must adhere to the CPC's Taiwan question strategy, maintain the initiative and the ability to steer in cross-Strait relations, and advance the process of national reunification.

Liu Yadong interpreted China’s strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy and the innovation-driven development strategy in a lecture titled Gathering Talents from All over the World and Building the Foundation of a Great Power, based on his work experience in the Science and Technology Daily. Liu Yadong said that the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in separate chapters, put education, science & technology and talent together for balanced arrangement and integrated deployment for the first time, showing the keen insight of CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core towards new technological revolution and industrial changes. Liu Yadong emphasized that young people are the hope of the country, the backbone of the nation, and the major force of construction. He encouraged NKU students to “breathe the same air as the country and share the same future”, pave the way for national rejuvenation and make contribution to construction of the motherland.

Liu Zhongbo, with the theme of Inheriting and Promoting Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture, told the rich connotations and importance of inheriting Chinese culture with profound cultural emotions. He pointed out that fine traditional culture is the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation and is of irreplaceable value in cultivating and practicing the core socialist values. Liu Zhongbo further emphasized the crucial role of the younger generation in cultural inheritance. He proposed that young students should deeply study and understand the essence of Chinese culture, inherit the historical heritage of China, and integrate it into daily life and academic research. Students should “make efforts to keep the Chinese culture alive and build on its heritage from one generation to the next. More importantly, they need to adapt themselves to the changing times and break new ground”. They should become bridges and messengers for spreading Chinese culture, and protect the cultural and natural treasures of all human kind.

After class, teachers and students discussed on many topics such as seriously studying and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promoting the reunification of the motherland, exploring the multiple values of cultural heritage, as well as invigorating country through science and technology.