School of Journalism and Communication Gets Approved for Four Industry-University Collaborative Education Projects by MOE

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2024-04-22Views:126

The Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the list of the first batch of Industry-University Collaborative Education Projects in 2024, and NKU School of Journalism and Communication has been approved for four projects, which marks a solid step forward for the School in deepening education and teaching reform and promoting the integrated development of industry, university and research.

Project number

Project responsible person

Project name

Cooperative company


Zhou Peiyuan

Baidu Pinecone Talent Training Practice Base

Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Zhong Shenjun

AIGC Deep Learning Teacher Training Project

Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Chen Peng

Education Innovation in Intelligent Training for Media Professionals in the Integrated Media Environment - Exploration in Student MCN Practice Education

Mingtai (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.


Zhang Huan

Teacher Training on Innovative Integration Course of Chinese Journalism History and News Commentary Writing

Beijing Zhongchuan Sail Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Baidu Pinecone Talent Training Practice Base: Aiming at the core field of “artificial intelligence + news communication”, the NKU-Baidu Pinecone Practice Base will be set up to promote the development of innovative talents in AIGC and news communication, and achieve exponential growth in journalism and communication productivity in the AIGC era. The project will provide various resource support to participants through interest classes, project system and subject system to explore the impact of AIGC on news production and communication in the theoretical dimension; In the practical dimension, participants will realize intelligent generation of graphic, text, audio and video through various AIGC platforms, and reasonably apply them to the news communication practice. In the later stage of the project, the AIGC Journalism and Communication Works Competition will be held and the winning works will be broadcast.

AIGC Deep Learning Teacher Training Project: The project aims to explore how to use AIGC technology to support accurate market analysis and user profiling, automatically generate various forms of multimedia information content, and quickly structure a realistic path for integrated marketing and communication in the cultural and tourism industry. AIGC technology can also be used to support public opinion analysis and tourist sentiment analysis, and help receive tourist feedback and market dynamics, so as to optimize product and service quality. By realizing wide application and iterative innovation of AIGC technology in the cultural and tourism field which is cultural creative idea intensive, the quality and efficiency of integrated marketing and communication in the cultural and tourism industry will be greatly improved, and the accelerated application of AIGC technology in the cultural and tourism industry and even in the whole society will be further promoted.

Education Innovation in Intelligent Training for Media Professionals in the Integrated Media Environment - Exploration in Student MCN Practice Education: The project intends to carry out research on the required abilities of new media talents in the era of integrated media, explore the intelligent experimental and training platform for integrated media and new model of talent development that cater to the cutting-edge industry needs and future ability shaping, and create a platform for students to simulate the operation mechanism of MCN agencies and produce intelligent content based on university-industry cooperation, so as to support the students to identify their ability deficiency through personal MCN development, and comprehensively improve their abilities to meet the requirement of integrated media.

Teacher Training on Innovative Integration Course of Chinese Journalism History and News Commentary Writing: Under the dual background of social transformation and media convergence, and based on the practical needs of journalism for whole-media talents and the professional requirements for journalism and communication education, the project aims to enhance the journalism attainment and teaching ability of young teachers through organizing teacher training, help develop and optimize professional courses, as well as promote exchanges and cooperation among teachers to form a cooperation network for resource and experience sharing, and ultimately achieve the overall goal of comprehensively enhancing talent development capabilities and contributing to telling China’s stories well in the new era.

In implementing the guiding principles of the Several Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education and the Opinions of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Chinese Academy of Engineering on Accelerating the Construction and Development of New Engineering Disciplines and Implementing the Excellent Engineer Education and Training Plan 2.0, the Industry-University Collaborative Education Project is a new talent development project launched by MOE in cooperation with well-known domestic and foreign companies to explore new models of university-industry cooperation and new ways of innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. It is an important carrier for universities to deepen industry-university integration and enhance their ability of independent talent development. It helps to leverage the advanced technology, R&D and product advantages of companies, and promote talent development model reform of universities to meet the latest needs of industrial development.

NKU School of Journalism and Communication has been committed to developing composite and innovative talents who meet the requirements of the new era. The four approved projects cover areas including artificial intelligence teacher training, talent training practice base and MCN practice education. Each project comes from the in-depth cooperation between the School’s faculty team and the industry-leading companies.

These projects will not only provide students with more platforms for practice, but also provide them with a rare opportunity to learn the latest industry trends and master advanced technologies, as well as bring a new teaching atmosphere to the School. Through the collaborative industry-university education model, students are able to learn and apply knowledge in a real work environment, which is of great significance for their future career development.

The close cooperation between the School and companies has also promoted the transformation of academic achievements and the advancement of industry technology, and realized effective utilization of educational resources to meet social needs. Going forward, the School will adhere to the concept of openness and cooperation, deepen the industry-university-research integrated education model, and develop more high-quality journalism and communication professionals for society.