Niu Wenli and Team Visit Hebei Daily Newspaper Group for Employment Opportunity Expansion

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2024-06-20Views:111

On June 17, Niu Wenli, Deputy Secretary of the CPC NKU Committee, led a team to visit Hebei Daily Newspaper Group (HDNG) for employment opportunity expansion. The team had a discussion with Liu Chengqun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of HDNG, and unveiled the plaque for the University’s internship base.

Niu Wenli briefly introduced the history and current situation of NKU and the School of Journalism and Communication, and the talent cultivation programs. He said that NKU attaches great importance to cooperation with key local enterprises and hopes to expand internship and employment opportunities for NKU students in relevant disciplines at HDNG and its affiliated units by strengthening the construction of a student internship and training base at HDNG. It also aims to deepen cooperation in areas such as academic visits, enrollment promotion, and construction of the Chinese modern rural workstation. Niu Wenli also highlighted the characteristics and advantages of NKU’s publishing and journalism disciplines, emphasizing that the construction of the internship base will help students better integrate theoretical knowledge with practical experience, and enhance their comprehensive abilities and competitiveness.

Liu Chengqun welcomed Niu Wenli and his team, and introduced HDNG’s development history, business scope, and cooperation with universities. He specially invited NKU alumni working at the Group to attend the meeting. Liu Chengqun mentioned that quite a number of NKU alumni hold key positions within the Group, who have demonstrated exceptional professionalism and a down-to-earth style typical of NKU in various areas such as news reporting, editing, publishing, and management, and made significant contributions to the development of the Group. He also expressed hope to have more NKU graduates join HDNG in the future to jointly contribute to the development and promotion of Hebei Province.

The visit was also joined by leaders of the CPC NKU Committee Student Affairs Department (Student Career Center), the School of Journalism and Communication, and the admission team for Hebei Province.