School of Journalism and Communication Holds 2024 Summer Vacation Seminar

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2024-07-03Views:224

From July 2 to 3, the School of Journalism and Communication held the 2024 Summer Vacation Seminar in Xiushan Hall. Discussions were made on ideological and political education, talent cultivation, development of disciplines, integration of student enrollment, training and employment, and construction of labs. The Seminar was presided over by Ma Changhong, Secretary of the CPC Committee of the School, and attended by the faculty.

Professor Li Yuelin, Director of NKU’s Academic Affairs Office, and Professor Liu Yubin, a National Outstanding Teacher, were invited to deliver thematic speeches.

Professor Li elaborated on “NKU’s Cultivation System 3.0 for Talents Dedicated to Public Interest and Their Acquisition of All-round Capability” through the lenses of first-class course development, textbook compilation, teaching achievements, talent cultivation, and microprogram development. She underscored the essential concept of “holistic education” and the “integration of in-class and extracurricular activities, on-campus and off-campus experiences, as well as online and offline courses.” The speech-maker stated that this approach aims to foster the all-around development of students and enhance the high-quality growth of talents at NKU.

Professor Liu delivered a speech on High-Quality Course Development Empowered by Ideological and Political Education. He summarized the concepts and requirements of this educational approach, providing a wealth of case studies to illustrate how to incorporate ideological and political elements into specialized courses while avoiding superficial, illogical, stereotypical, and unrelated issues. The speaker emphasized that specialized courses should be meaningful, asserting that the key to develop ideological and political education lies in shaping the essence of these courses.

Qi Dexiang, Executive Vice Dean of NKU Publishing Research Institute, presented a report on the Institute's accomplishments. He highlighted the organ’s significant milestones, including its selection as a high-quality institution under the High-Quality Construction Plan of Publishing Think Tanks, the hosting of the Work Meeting on the National Co-Construction of Publishing Discipline and the Teaching Guide Committee for Graduate Students in Publishing, and the approval for establishing a doctoral program in publishing. The speech-maker detailed the overall development plan and progress of the Institute while looking ahead to future initiatives.

Professor Liu Zhongbo delivered a speech titled Opinions on the Development of Ideological and Political Education, in which he shared his insights on the meaning of ideological and political education, the key content to be taught, and effective teaching methods, all based on his personal experience. Recently, his Documentary Direction and Production has been included in the second list of Tianjin Municipal Ideological and Political Demonstration Courses. Additionally, his TV Programmes Production Techniques has been selected in the second batch of Tianjin Municipal Ideological and Political Excellent Textbooks. The course has also been included in the third development list of Tianjin Municipal First-Class Undergraduate Courses.

Chen Na, Vice Dean of the School, presented a work report on the development of academic disciplines and the cultivation of graduate students at the School. She differentiated and analyzed the relationship between disciplines and programs, while exploring the goals for discipline development and the strategies for implementing the development plan.

Chen Peng, Vice Dean of the School, delivered a work report on education and teaching. He provided a summary of the School’s accomplishments in textbook compilation, teaching competitions, teaching reforms, ideological and political education, innovative student cultivation, and inter-school exchanges. Furthermore, he addressed the existing challenges and highlighted the orientation for future reforms. Chen also mentioned the achievements made by the admission team for Jiangsu Province.

Li Hui, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee and Vice Dean of the School, provided an overview of the employment situation of graduates from the School over the past three years. She highlighted key actions and achievements, addressed current challenges and proposed measures. Additionally, she explained the warning signs associated with various mental health issues and outlined the guidelines for implementing the mental health assistance plan.

Li Chenping from the office of the School elaborated on the progress in lab construction and provided a future plan.

Ma Changhong gave comments and summarized the key points discussed during the Seminar. She mentioned that the School has been established for less than three years, yet it has been elevated to new heights and achieved significant breakthroughs each year. In her opinion, this success is attributed to the guidance of the CPC NKU Committee and the dedicated efforts of the School’s faculty and students. Ma stated that the two-day faculty meeting of the School aims to summarize experiences, raise questions, and build consensus. She emphasized that the meeting clarifies NKU’s requirements for the School, outlines its development goals and direction, and identifies specific pathways to achieve these objectives. She encouraged teachers to engage in thoughtful consideration during discussions and exchanges, and develop with the School.

At the Seminar, Ma also outlined the guiding principles for the thematic lecture of discipline included in NKU’s educational initiatives focused on party discipline, as well as the warning and education conference. She also revealed the current violations of discipline and law that have been investigated and punished by NKU. Ma urged the School’s party members, cadres, and faculty to learn from these cases. She encouraged them to exercise caution and self-discipline. Ma also expected them to be mindful of, understand, and strictly adhere to the rules in their communications and actions.