Youthful Passion Ignites in the Sweltering Summer

A Record of the First Week of Military Training of the 12th Company of the 2nd Battalion

Publisher:李晨萍Release time:2024-08-23Views:100

To enhance students’ ideological and political awareness, ignite their patriotism, cultivate their perseverance, hard work, and team spirit, and improve their physical fitness and willpower, all students of the 12th Company of the 2nd Battalion of NKU took their “first lesson of the new semester” amidst sweat and toil, embracing the new semester with renewed vigor.

The military training was not only a challenge to physical strength, but also a tempering of spirit and will. Students grew through sweat and tempering.

I. Forge the soul of discipline through basic drill training

Military discipline is as rigid as iron, and willpower is as strong as steel. At the beginning of the training, under the strict guidance of the company commander and platoon leader, the students of the 12th Company of the 2nd Battalion started with the most basic military postures such as standing at attention and ease, and tried to execute every posture with precision as the word of command rang out. Subsequent exercises, such as squatting and standing up, turning, marching, running, and stopping, also tested the students’ teamwork and execution efficiency. The students lined up neatly, with standard and powerful movements, showcasing the NKU spirit of perseverance and pursuit of excellence.

II. Strengthen self-protection through learning combat skills

Unleash the potential of the youth like eagles spreading their wings. During the military training, the students also learned the key parts of self-defense skills such as military boxing and combative and grappling techniques. Under the personal demonstration and patient guidance of the company commander and platoon leader, the students learned the basic techniques of attack and defense step by step. These skills not only enhanced the students’ physical fitness, but also improved their ability to protect themselves in emergencies, and cultivated their courage and perseverance.

III. Ignite patriotism through political education activities

Combining military training with political education leads to excellence. Military training is not only a physical exercise, but also a spiritual baptism. In addition to the intense training, the students also organized various political education activities, such as having mobilization meetings and watching patriotic films, which inspired the students’ patriotic feelings and national pride.

At the flag-raising ceremony, as the five-star red flag rose with the majestic national anthem, all students stood at attention in respect, filled with boundless love and loyalty to the country. During the military singing practice, the students sang with high spirits and loud voices. The melody was heart-stirring and the voices were full of youthful enthusiasm and power for progress. 

IV. Showcase youthful vitality through special activities

Prepare for battle, spirits high. The military training also featured a special orienteering activity, allowing students to enjoy outdoor sports amidst the rigorous training. Navigating through the campus, the students completed the tasks with their wits and physical strength, not only exercising their bodies but also enhancing their teamwork and problem-solving skills.

The deputy instructor Zeng Shuaidong said, “Under the strict management of the instructors, the students were physically exercised and spiritually tempered, showing significant progress in the sense of discipline, drill quality, military skills and overall spirit, and demonstrating the initial results of the military training.”

As the scorching summer sun tempered the youth, vigorous spirit and military soul took shape. Each student of the 12th Company of the 2nd Battalion broke through their limits in every training session, showcasing their youthful vitality and boundless potential. We believe that they will carry the spirit of unity and teamwork, perseverance and hard work, and rigorous self-discipline cultivated from the military training into their daily study, and keep the excellent style and outstanding qualities they have demonstrated during the military training. They will face every challenge ahead with even greater enthusiasm and determination, and contribute NKU’s efforts to the realization of the Chinese dream of rejuvenation!